A little about me...
My name is Shannon Loftis. I have been a tarot reader for close to 20 years. I also work with crystals and sacred geometry, I'm a Reiki practitioner, and now - a deck creator.
In 2015 I was looking for an image for a random project when a friend suggested I look at the Library of Congress's digitized files. While searching those, I stumbled across a collection of photolithographs taken between 1895-1905 from all over the world. My life would never be the same.
I was so inspired by the stunning beauty of these images that within 6 weeks, I had created the Augenblick Tarot and sent it off to a self-publishing/printing company. Now came the hard part - figuring out how to read this deck I had made. The fact that I had made the cards square added such an unexpected dimension to the reading of them that I was instantly immersed in deciphering how tarot meanings are impacted by four directions instead of two.
Writing the guidebook was put on the back burner, however, when I had to tackle serious health issues between 2015-2017. Meeting such amazing tarot readers/writers/creators at the Northwest Tarot Symposium in 2017, however, lit a fire in me to get this guidebook and deck out into the world. It has taken me on a journey that will soon include 2 tarot decks, 2 oracle decks and 1 Lenormand deck - and even more in the planning stages!